Gaur Purnima Celebrations 2014
One of the most incredible perks of being part of the TKG Academy is the vibrant community around the school, Sri Radha Kalachandji Dham. This community celebrates the major...
Special Visitors-HH Giriraj Swami & HH Rtadhvaja Swami
5,000 years ago, Sri Krishna's friend Arjuna asked Him a question. "Oh Krishna, what are the symptoms of one whose consciousness is merged in transcendence? How does he speak,...
Offer the Plant Parts
Spring time means time with plants and flowers! Our March days began with offering flowers, leaves and nuts to the Deities, and reciting the Bhagavad Gita verse 9.26. "If you...
Donor Spotlight- Sri Neeraj & Smt Kavitha Bhatnagar
This month, we would like recognize Neeraj and Kavitha Bhatnagar as our Donor Spotlight. Neeraj and Kavitha began their spiritual journey in 2005 , where they attended Krishna...
Volunteer Spotlight-TKG Academy Clean Up
During the winter break, while all was quiet and peaceful at the end of the temple block known as TKG Academy, a storm erupted. The bus tour coming from Mexico descended upon...