Extreme Weather Calls for Extreme Measures
Humans have long lived in places that seem impossible to survive in. How are people able to live in regions with freezing temperatures or scorching heat? Our Middle School...
Yoga Stories for the Little Ones
Mother Kalindi shares Yoga Stories for all the younger students. Pull out your yoga mats, everyone!
Routines Vs Schedules
Mother Kalindi shares tips on getting started with Home Learning and explores "Schedule vs. Routine". https://www.facebook.com/TKG.Academy/videos/207097390720630/
Donor Spotlight: Sriji Kumari Devi & Kalpesh Prabhu
Sriji Kumari Devi, Kalpesh Prabhu, and their two children, Aum and Aahna, are not only TKG Academy donors; to us they are like family. Before even moving to Dallas, during a...
Almost There!
We are pleased to announce that we have almost reached our goal for the Phase 2 – Security & Playground Expansion! Thank you to the many donors who have contributed! Learn...