If you entered the temple room on Sunday, December 23, what would you see? A whole group of children, dressed in spiffy dhotis and kurtas, […]
Music Lessons with Mother Kalindi
Every Monday and Wednesday, Mother Kalindi comes to teach a Vedic Music class. She teaches students individually, in increments of 15 minutes each. They learn […]
Visiting Day for the Parents
The Preschool and Kindergarten Class celebrated Parent’s Visiting Day where all the parents were invited to be part of their child’s exciting day at school.
Prahladananda Swami Brings Vrindavan to TKG Academy
Yesterday, Friday December 7th, His Holiness Srila Prahladananda Swami visited the students and TKG Academy. How magical it was! He led a gentle kirtan. You […]
Literature Circles
I just walked into the Upper Elementary Classroom and saw Mother Mani Manjari’s Literature Circles in Action! Each student has a job with specific responsibilities […]