The second annual “Academic Presentations” evening was a success. The students’ families have gathered to get a peek into the variety of subjects taught at TKG Academy.

The program began with the preschool students demonstrating their understanding of the water cycle, the mixing of primary colors, phonics, math, land-forms and the difference between rural and urban communities.

From the Lower Elementary class we heard about Abraham Lincoln and the pilgrims’ life style. They also demonstrated their knowledge of the Sanskrit colors and body parts and names of animals in Spanish.

The Middle Elementary class presented spelling skills, various math skills, MR FAB and the animal classifications, and the story of the pilgrims.

The program was woven with and highlighted by “Elevator Pitches” by the Upper Elementary class, which they prepared during their Public Speaking class. Those added a humorous touch with a spark of brilliance.

We concluded with refreshments, some of which were prepared by the Upper Elementary class during their Culinary Arts class. A sweet way to close our sweet event.